Yang Lab | Recording & Decoding Cancer Evolution

Meet the Team

Email: dy2491@cumc.columbia.edu
Office: 650 W 168th St,
705-B, William Black Building
New York, NY, 10032
Dian Yang
Assistant Professor,
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Department of Systems Biology, Columbia University
Dian completed his Ph.D. in cancer biology at Stanford University with Dr. Monte Winslow and Dr. Julien Sage. He was awarded the Denise Chan Outstanding Thesis Award for identifying the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of how small cell lung cancer adopting neuronal migration machineries to metastasize. He then did his postdoc with Dr. Jonathan Weissman at the Whitehead Institute and MIT and developed a CRISPR-based evolving lineage tracing mouse model. This new mouse model enabled him to continuously track how a tumor evolves from a single transformed cell into an aggressive tumor and spreads systemically at an unprecedented resolution. His work to date has integrated CRISPR technologies, single-cell genomics, in vivo cancer modeling and computational analysis, providing a new paradigm to study tumor evolution. Dian recently won a Damon Runyon Jake Wetchler Award and a Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists.

Victor Chen
Research Assistant & Lab manager
Previous institution: Emory University, B.S.

Beatrice Grauman
Graduate Student, Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies (CMBS)
Previous institution: Wellesley College , B.S. / MIT Koch Institute

Jackie Zatsiorsky
Undergraduate Student
Columbia University, Computer Science

Victoria (Chuyue) Zhang
Graduate Student, Program in Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics (MPT) - Rotation
Previous institution: Oxford University , M.S.

Haoyu Wang
Graduate Student, Program in Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics (MPT) - Rotation
Previous institution: Peking University , M.S.

Clayton Hughes
Graduate Student, Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies (CMBS) - Rotation
Previous institution: Cornell University , B.S.

Yousuf Shehadi
Master Student, Program in Biomedical Engineering
Previous institution: Boston University , B.S.

Jingjing Qu
Visiting physician scientist,
First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University

We are a collaborative and interdisciplinary team aiming to dissect the fundamental mechanisms governing cancer evolution using genetically engineered mouse models. We are actively recruiting and welcome highly motivated individuals interested in the following areas:
Cancer Biology: tumor evolution, cancer plasticity, therapy & resistance
Technology development: CRISPR, molecular recording, genome engineering
Single cell analysis: computational analysis of single cell and spatial transcriptomics
Cancer modeling: next-gen mouse models of human cancer
Cancer immunology: cancer - immune cell interactions & new therapeutic targets
Please check out our Open Position page for more details!